The New Hobbit Trailer Released (#2)

•September 25, 2012 • Leave a Comment

I’m willing to bet that most of us were completely disgusted when we heard that the new HOBBIT movie was going to be made into a trilogy. The question running through my mind was: Do we really have to wait till July 18, 2014 to find out what happens in just one book?  If you recall, the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy was released to the big screens based on 3 books. If I did my calculations correct, that should be about one movie per book. But why not turn one book into three movies to milk in more money? That was the first logical reason for turning The Hobbit into a trilogy.

However, the three films are intended to focus of the rise of the Necromancer, the goblins, and more untold stories in the hobbit. The last film is entirely based on the Battle of the Five Armies. Still seem unnecessary? Yes. If you recall, the Battle of the Five Armies was literally the last 20 pages to J.R.R. Tolkien’s novel.

I was having an overall bad feeling about this, but then I got to thinking: This could be kind of interesting! I have always kind of been curious to know some of the back stories of Middle Earth, and maybe Peter Jackson might shed some light on the subject. So without further a do, The Hobbit trailer numéro deux.

I’ll have to any, it does make the film look even more appealing. One thing I liked about it is that it shows you the comedic side of the unexpected party at Bilbo Baggins house. Tolkien did describe dwarves as having a humorous side. It also displays the sense of humor that was in The Lord of the Rings.

I like this trailer because it contrasts to the first, which gives off more of a serious look and feel, which I thought to be pretty bad ass. I guess that’s the point of putting out more than one trailer. To make people want to see it even more and not forgetting about it. Therefore earning you more money.

The ending I found to be hilarious. Just what I was looking for in this movie. Going back to the comedic side. I also noticed that Bilbo didn’t look to scared when Gollum told him that if he lost the riddle game, he would be eaten. But whatever, Martin Freeman is an excellent screen actor, so I trust him. One thing’s for certain: This is gonna be a hell of a movie.

And hey, at least the first movie comes out before the world is supposed to win. Word.

So that wraps up the first post on this new blog. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can leave a comment.